Samsung has announced a 10-inch Netbook which, among other things, kills bacteria. The N310 has been styled by award-winning Japanese designmeister Naoto Fukasawa and will presumably be welcomed with open--but latex-gloved--arms by OCD sufferers.
It boasts a frameless 10-inch screen and pebble design keyboard, which Samsung reckons is 93 percent of the size of a desktop keyboard for easy typing.
The N310 weighs about 2.6 pounds with a four-cell battery, which Samsung claims will give you up to five hours without busting out some mains supply. Battery savings come from the LED display and optimized performance from the Intel Atom processor.
It'll ship with Windows XP Home Edition, so it doesn't overtax the 1GB of RAM. Other features include a 160GB hard drive, a 1.3-megapixel camera and a three-in-one memory card reader. You get no less than three USB ports and the option of Bluetooth.
As if that wasn't enough, it also "uses the latest medical technology" to smear the keys with a "special finish" that makes it "almost impossible for bacteria to live and breed." We don't recommend using it to clean your toilet, however. The N310 will be available in May. No word on price yet, but we'll keep you posted. If you'll excuse us, we're off to wash our hands again.